Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Journal 31 - Accepting Death

This passage about Saidu from what I think, is the foreshadowing of Saidu's death. If one accepts death but is not given to him, it would really kill the person because if you don't get what you accept, you will want it; in Saidu's case it was death. Facing death in front of you is very scary. What I think is scarier is that facing or seeing other people die before you do and you are left with the sorrow and guilt of not being able to save that person. If threats to death are continuous, one would eventually thing that he or she is as good as being dead. Saidu fainted many times and he died on his last time. I think that it is different for an adult or for a child. This is because a child is like a blank slate. You could shape it anyway you want. A child can even be made to love death or at least killing. Adults already have something in their mind as well as their past experiences. This is why they will take the situation differently from children. I feel like children are more susceptible to death as they are more fragile both physically and mentally. A body can still be animate but have no life in it. Those are basically robots or killing machines that the army shapes and brainwashes the kids into. I once learned from watching The Matrix that the life and the mind are connected and that without the mind, life couldn't live. It was also in Elie Wiesel's night, how he was like a corpse, looking himself in the mirror and how lifeless he is from all the horrors he has seen. So yes, a body can still be animate but not have life in it. Maybe life just depends on your mind. If you are happy, then you live. If you are just sticking to a schedule or doing work that does not make you happy, then you are not living your life. This is because if you love what you do, then it is not work anymore.

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